I have a rediculous business idea!!!!!!?
I live in Rio Brazil, im a 21 yr old student and i absolutely love my country but live in fear due to the extremely high crime rate which is causing mass emigration out of Brazil aka the brain drain as all the educated and rich are leaving.Im thinking of starting a profit driven private police force with trained professionals working just in the sandton area charging people alot of money for our services. Do you think this would make money and b) do you think it would work due tothe fact that will we be able @ get duristiction and would we overide the actual police force i,e would this be a viable option ormerely a frivolous idea that just wouldnt work. ( bare in mind theres a lot of money in Rio and alot of people wanting protetion,.
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1 :
sounds like a helluva idea man! DO IT! HELP EM AND GET RICH :D