I am not love with my husband ? What should do ?
I am married for 5 yrs now and I feel i am not love with my husband ?Or just stress ? I am feel i need sometime off.I am from Brazil and make 5 yrs don"t go home,my house went forclosure in March 2008 and i have a daughter 15month. I has been mean to my husband but i feel he doesn"t put my daughte and I first plan. We are financial trouble yet,we didin"t recupare from are lost and now today was big fight he want to buy another property in Baltimore ? Now he come back make money again and want invest Real Estate again ? Whend i don"t a car for me,any health insurance for are family.I don"t shop for my self now for over 2 yrs.I sold my car last year to pay a mortgage and still we lost are home.I don"t see my father for 5 yrs.He thinks he can invest again ?I told him if do that i pack my stuff and go ? And i am very stress and i have terrible anxiety for deal all those problem .I get very angry and slept him shoudn"t of course far way far way from my daughter don"t see mom in bad mood. What I do ? I take care of my ow daughter he don"t acepts put on day care .I don" afford to hire a nanny .I don"t have a lot options with him I am sick been so poor and controlled by a men. So i am thinking I do need a break ? At 3 month a part far way from him to me found out ,Who is my self ?I don"t know who I am anymore ? Any advice ? Thank you !!!
Marriage & Divorce - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Quiza el tambien esta sufriendo por estar pasando los problemas y lo que el realmente necesita (y merece) ahora es una esposa que le va a amar y apoyar. Es increible que puede pasar con un hombre cuando recibe un poco de apoyo y amor de su esposa. Uds no se casaron para separarse sino por las buenas y las malas. Apoyense, amense, busquen entre si consolacion. Suerte.
2 :
first off i live in baltimore and real estate is really crappy here everything is so high these days here the gas and electric runs around 400 a month so i would not advise moving here since you have not recuperated from your last loss
3 :
Maybe move home for awhile and give yourself some family time with you and your baby. If you can live safely with your parents, give it a try. Don't let his greed ruin your life. Your No. 1 priority now is your child.