Saturday, April 14, 2012

I am planning a trip to Brazil for Capoeira (Angola) and learning Portuguese. Any ideas?

I am planning a trip to Brazil for Capoeira (Angola) and learning Portuguese. Any ideas?
Hello, I am an American girl planning to travel to Brazil for 6-8 months (depending on how long I can afford to stay) alone. My plan is to seriously study Capoeira (Angola) and find a Portuguese tutor or take some classes.I would need to find an apartment as well. I would love to move to the eastern part of the country (maybe Recife or Salavdor da Bahia) or any place where I can make friends and where I wont really need a car. I really hope embrace the culture there, learn Portuguese and play Capoeira. Does anyone have any ideas about how I should proceed to plan my trip? I am planning to go in August/ September. I really don't want to fall into a tourist trap because I don't have time or money for that. Thanks for any advice you may have. Ombrigada!
Other - Brazil - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You may want to consider a hostel. And just FYI, Recife and Salvador is the Northeast of Brazil. :)
2 :
You should talk to a mestre. Preferably one who is from Brazil. They can give you good tips about how to live there & also how to stay safe.
3 :
Try yahoo brazil, there you may find more answers. I live at Salvador, you can find Capoeira here everywhere. Salvador is the brazilian african city. You can find good places here too. Rent an appartament isn't expensive. If you want further information, my email is Good luck!
4 :
If you know any spanish, then learning portuguese will be alot easier to learn (read, at least).