Help!I know it sounds weird but how can I convince my parents let me travel on my own? The funny part is I'm 21 years old,I study medicine abroad,away from my family and home since I was 17.However,my parents still think that they should treat me as if I were 15..The thing is I'm from Greece and I want to start traveling on my own,beginning from Istambul.I have been traveling with my dad since I was 12 in conference-trips in places like Brazil,Indonesia,South Africa,etc. Anybody would ask why do I need my parents' approval to go since I already have the money to make this trip but the thing is that they will immediately say no in the moment I will tell them and their biggest argument as always is gonna be financial blackmail(eg/ "if u want to do things that we disapprove,maybe we should stop paying for your studies,for the house u live in,etc")How should I convince them to "let" me go?I just don't want drama and argues... Other - Destinations - 4 Answers Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions : 1 : If your 21 then it's just a case of however you feel it will go down best and what you want the outcome to be. You can either tell them straight that your going and they'll have to learn to accept it, or you can live with their decision and stay at home so as not to bother them and keep financial aid. Nobody on here is going to be able to tell you how to convince your parents. You need to just think about it, and make your mind up about what you want to do. 2 : It's a Greek thing, I have found they are very controlling, my daughter married one I would advise tho to stay away from the arab countries as they are not the safest area's around How about Asia or Australia-NZ? Singapore is a beautiful country 3 : Well . I would say become financially independent. Once your school studies are done and you are no longer "bound" to your parents. Other option is let them know how you feel dont say things like you do this and you never let me etc. but start like I would like to .. I feel like .. etc. 4 : hey, this happen all the time to me. My parents used to be the same. my solution is that i try to SHOW them that I'm a grown up, i could do everything on my own. Tell them if everybody could let their children go travel why can't your parents. This issues would take sometimes to get better. You should talk to your parents but try to prevent all the arguement. |