Saturday, February 1, 2014

This is what the problem is with fuel prices in the u.s.a.?

This is what the problem is with fuel prices in the u.s.a.?
the problem is the u.s.government ! they have been protecting the oil companies because they get alot of lobbyists that donate or give them money. also president bush and cheney own and have investments in oil wells so it would not be beneficial to them or the oil companies. the smartest country was Brazil that learned from the 70's oil crisis. as we laughed at them for investing time and money into there infrastructure to grow sugar cane to convert to ethanol. now they are oil independent and will not suffer from market price volatility. we could buy the sugar cane or ethanol from them but of course we have put a tariff on there ethanol making it not attractive to import the reason to protect our farmers which in turn have caused foods to become more expensive. the problem with this country u.s.a. is the people have never been able to organize large enough protests like they do in other countries to demand immediate changes. and as far as the u.s. energy department they have had no real plan to do anything about it because they are sleeping with the oil companies they have no energy policy. Ford and GM also fell asleep and only produced gas guzzling large suv ;s and trucks they are in financial crisis and they want the u.s taxpayers to bail them out. i say no ! there is technology available to make cars and trucks get better gas maileage but the automakers prefer to sell $4000.00 navigational systems instead of making the vehicles more efficient since that would cost them more money. we deserve what has happened because we allowed it. the politicians make more than enough money to buy there gas or i should say the american tax payers pay for there gas and for the u.s. government also. we should tax the oil companies like the u.k did any profits above $60.00 u.s. per barrel of oil will pay a penalty tax to be used for investing in other alternative fuels and to reduce pump prices. exxon paid there c.e.o $350 million dollars salary and retirement package . now do you see the problems ? another problem is the oil companies and stock brokerage firms manipulatig prices. amoco says they had to shut down an oil field that caused prices to go up then ole lorer from morgan stanley said oil prices will reach $150.00 a barrel by july 4th that caused oil to skyrocket by an extra $ 12.00 per barrel in one day. that guy should be shot they should not be able to comment on prices and influence the oil market which they invested in that should be illegal. opec is just laughing at us making alot of money. so lets do something about it and tell our congressman and senators enough is enough. we also need to stop buying so much products from china as this has made there country grow and consume more gas. we should invest in our hemisphere and not theres. energy companies should be allowed to make a profit but what they are making is breaking all of us and should be stopped or regulated of course there lobbyists will pay money so no legislation is passed against them. in 2007 the oil companies made more than $ 123 billion dollars in profit. please reply and let your views be known.
Alternative Fuel Vehicles - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Oil subsidation. Your right allowing them to do whatever they want while putting there competition out of business is what is causing the problem. If it was just let alone no subsidation and a true free market this kind of thing would never happen. Government controlling economy never works.
2 :
I don't think anyone is going to read all that ... We already know that the oil companies are screwing us .. along with Bush and his friends.
3 :
Damn!!! someones A little Left winged!!! To put it subtlety. First of all I don't know were you get your info from but some of it's a little off. At no point EVER has gas (per barrel) ever risin 12.00 a barrel in a single day. Second If you research ethanol it's not a reliable source of energy. First, for every single gallon of gas it takes 1.3 gallons of ethanol to go the same distance, as far as pollution it's close to the same as gas. Finally with the way the earths population is going we aren't going to be able to feed thirty percent of the population anyways and you want to start using our food for our cars??? Also, as far as gas prices you do realize that in Europe gas is the equivalent of $8.50 in U.S. currency and it's been that way for almost a decade (yep, they've got it good!!!). Did you also know that there is as much oil if not more in the United States, as there is the middle east. It's just tree huggers won't let us drill. Do you realize if we started drilling for oil heavily in the U.S. gas would drop about 2.5 - 3 dollars PER GALLON!!! As far as the vehicle companies they where mass producing what sells, you can't blame them for the fact that people in general (not just in the U.S.) got comfy in bigger vehicles and now that gas is so expensive there in a bind. If you want something to worry about worry about focusing on our economy not the shit that's going on everywhere else.
4 :
I see that God has spoken, and I'm not going to take the time to address all your ""satetemnst"". You did overlook the amount of taxes that oil companies have already paid, and how money is generated in order to pay taxes. Within all, ALL corporations, taxes come out of net profits. This governent would like to confiscate all profits from all corporations. ALL taxes are included in the selling prices and YOU, I, and everyone else pay those taxes. NET profits are increased in order to pay those taxes. The citizens of the US are hoodwinked by our government, as they have been since 1970's, regarding oil. FYI, China is using 21% more oil since Jan. They are running huge generators in Earthquake areas. They are HOARDING oil so that they are assured of plentiful supplies for the Olympics. Yeah that the oil problem could be summarized in the short length of your post. Does your generation have to experience what many of us did after WW II? Through the 1950's with taxes on corporations at 50%. Personal income, up to 90%? God help you all. (The Heavenly GOD that is)
5 :
Wow, solid blocks of text are hard to read. But anyway, ethanol was and is a bad idea no matter what. Auto repair shops are reporting a jump in fuel system repairs from ethanol. Ethanol is corrosive and rough on a car, and it's also not as fuel effcient as gasoline. It was a dumb idea to use a major food staple as a fuel source and the pridicted spike in food prices happened. But what do we know, we're just supposed to shut up and give our money to everyone else.
6 :
High Oil prices are nothing more than a way for the rich and politicains to have more power. $10.00 a gallon will not effect someone making milloins a year, they don't even fill their own vehicle, someone else does it for them and they never see the bill. Prices are a way that the little guy making 30 grand a year will not be able to afford to drive. Which will leave more gas for the rich and politicians. The one thing though everyone forgets, is all the poor bastards like me will not be able to afford gas to go to work Then the rich will sooner or later pay for me on welfare. And the powerfull people will no longer have things to spend their money on. because We are the ones making and dilivering the goods that they buy. But they can always buy China made lead painted toys and food that will kill them and teir pets.
7 :
The problem is people playing the stock market.Greedy people with no care for others.
8 :
nice rant....
9 :
Now I'm REALLY worried about what our children are learning in school!!!
10 :
For one thing. GM has the most cars that get 30 MPG or better. They have a new full size Yukon SUV Hybrid that gets the same MPG as a Toyota Camry. If you knew ANYTHING about the car industry you would know it takes atleast 4-5 years to completely design, test and market a completely new model and technology. Can you see into the future and decide where the economy will be in 5 years?
11 :
The price of gasoline at the pump in Brazil as of May 2 was US $1.56 per liter. That's more than you're paying here. Governments don't determine the price of either gasoline or crude oil. Some of us here in Ohio are doing quite well because the price of both corn and crude oil (we have some here) are high. They're making lots of money in Louisiana right now, too. It's easier to assume that there's a conspiracy to manipulate prices than it is to investigate the very complex causes of the current difficulties. More fun, too.
12 :
There is no problem with fuel prices in the USA. They're about half as low as many countries in Europe, they're about a third lower than prices in Canada, they're among the lowest prices in the industrialised world. And the real problem? We sent money to China and India, and instead of spending it all on guns like we do, they wanted to buy cars. Oops?