What makes a person a "liberal" or a "conservative"? Which are you? I noticed over the last years there seems to be a war between the "liberals" and "conservatives". I seem to be both. I vote my conscience and usually split the ballot. I voted for a Democratic president the last two elections, but next election I like one or two of the Republicans and none of the Democrats. I guess I'm liberal about not giving the top 2% huge tax breaks (after Brazil we have the biggest imbalance between the wealthy and the poor). But I am against tax and spend policies. I don't believe it is up to Government to set a moral standard. Politicans are the last people who should claim to know morals. But I also do belive money should be spent to educate people about better moral practices. Can't we all just get along? Other - Politics & Government - 22 Answers Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions : 1 : Liberals' IQ scores average about 75 points higher than conservatives'. I am a Liberal. I made up the statistic above but it is well known that conservatives are stupid. 2 : Actually, Mexico has a bigger imbalance. Liberals believe in a government solution, Conservatives believe in market solutions. Cons believe in spending their own money to help, Libs believe in spending other people's money to help. Libs believe disaster is always around the corner, Cons believe the best times are still ahead. Etc. 3 : Liberals hate me because I support the 2nd Amendment. Conservatives hate me because I support the right to choose. Liberals hate me because I believe the best government is the government that governs the least. Conservatives hate me, because I'm not in the "moral majority" and feel that "family values" can never be legislated. The liberals hate me because I think taxing the middle class, instead of the wealthy, is wrong. Conservatives hate me because I think taxing the middle class, instead of the wealthy, is wrong. I guess, both sides hate me because I'm a middle class guy who hates big government, and hates being overtaxed, over-worked, denied the right to an abortion and kept from my gun. 4 : You are just seeing the two extremes posted on this web site becuase many people like to be mean-spirited and vicious. Conservatives and liberals are either the far right or the far left. I consider myself a Democrat, but do not agree with all their policies. When it comes to security issues I am a conservative, but social, tax, and education issues I am most definitely a liberal. 5 : Get along? Never happen, to far apart on ideologies! I'm a conservative, as I put my self through school with two jobs and a family, I worked hard for what I have, I am taxed to death with all the welfare and social programs, when i work hard for I get I want to have the choice of who I help or not! I don't mind giving tax breaks to the top 2% because they are the ones that make and have jobs for the rest. I don't mind an imbalance between poor and rich, as I was one of the poor and worked to get to where I am not. You want things to be equal, take mine and give to someone else to make it that way. Not me! I agree with you on the moral practices! 6 : The difference is somewhat philosophical. On the macro level conservatives believe God is God and liberals believe man is God. On the micro level Conservatives see the world how it is, and liberal see the world how they think it should be 7 : Their pocketbook for conservatives. Being as concerned for, or more, for those who have nothing than you are for yourself for the liberals! Guess that is why Liberals are more educated than conservatives, and make more as well! They also GIVE more! 8 : I refuse to be pigeonholed like that. I agree with some liberal ideas (pro abortion, gay rights) and some conservative ideas (death penalty). Maybe we can get along when we all lose our labels!! 9 : The difference is that liberalism is based on moral principles, conservatism is based on prejudice and hatred. The future of the country and the world is in liberalism. 10 : I change coats according to needs, in other words I sway with the wind, like any good politician. 11 : Liberal = Ted Kennedy Conservative = Ronald Reagan I was going to write more, but I think that says it all. 12 : I feel the same way....I think it is great to debate our issues, but we need to AGREE with something...and by WE I mean congress....I guess I'm a conservative democrat. -I'm against abortion -I don't think their should be gay marriage,but I fully support adoption, and partner benefits. -Tax the rich -Education is extremely important in my opinion -and Guns we have every right to protect ourselves, but SO many loopholes. I would be happy that guns would be banned, but we would be defenseless. Guns are coming over illegally and the dam government isn't doing anything about it. - death penalty I support depending on the situation...cereal killers deserve it. -Military I support I vote first by extinct second by having the same issues. 13 : I have a serious answer and a silly answer. First the serious answer; it's environment, to include, your parents, family life, neighborhood, school, friends, etc..an obvious answer The silly answer; We are programmed by a totally rigged political system to believe we have a choice so in the end it makes no difference what you believe, the people on top are pulling the strings and they swear allegiance only to themselves. Oh and I have to add, I love when "liberals" say they are "pro" abortion, lol, what woman ever wants or likes to get an abortion? It is called pro-choice! Incidentally I align myself with Joe Lieberman :) 14 : I am neither; I prefer to not label my political views 15 : It depends on how you look at it, really, and people have clearly shown you this. I'm totally liberal, if we do not think of liberals as people who believe all power is in the government. (: 16 : They just prefer to whine about the injustice of different things. They both ignore the parts of the Constitution they don't feel like supporting. They always whine about how people are taking away their rights, and they both blindly support their chosen golden boy or golden girl politician until they find out that getting everything they wanted screws up the country. And then they blame the other side for making it not work. You sound like you are moderate, which are the vast majority of people. They just don't get much press because they are not as entertaining on the news as attention whore morons like Ann Coulter, Rosie O'Donell, etc., etc. 17 : Fanaticism makes someone whatever it is they choose to be. How deeply resolved in pressing ones opinion noless. Choose your bandwagon so-to-speak. I am neither but maybe just like you I am a mix. 18 : Conservatives work for a living and pay taxes. Liberals live off their taxes. Very simple. 19 : Just a human being, and to be that it's very hard ... 20 : Definition of a liberal: "Someone who looks ahead, welcomes new ideas, cares about the welfare of the people, their health, housing, schools, jobs, civil rights and liberties, and believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad." Although a Democrat, I, too, voted for both parties fairly equally until the coming of the Bush administration. Because the Republican Party brought this pox upon our nation, I don't feel I can ever again vote for a Republican for any office. 21 : Conservative means not to waste or be thrifty. Liberal means spend for needed causes. However I think there really is currently little difference between Demos. {liberals}& Repubos.{conservatives} kind of like a game where kids call each other bad names. What America desperatly need is a Constitutional candidate. One who follows the explicite guide-lines set forth in the Constitution. That man is Ron Paul! 22 : I'm independent, and by that I mean NO political affiliation. |