why do cena loving idiots think we are jealous? seriously there are alot of people who id rather be jealous of then cena like the rock who cena is also very jealous of. tom brady 3 time super bowl champion id rather be jealous of him then cena micahel vick or terrel owens hell. those soccer players in brazil get the finest chicks while all cena gets are 15 year old girls who mostly weigh over 200 lbs cena is the most hated superstar and gets booed cause he sucks see we cena haters know wrestling an u cena fans do not. lets see oh fabio cannarvo is very popular with the ladies yet he doesnt get booed now does he the only thing i give cena credit for is making vince money and having the most stupid fans ever Wrestling - 15 Answers Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions : 1 : I don't care about Cena one way or another but "you're just jealous" seems to be the standard line that teenyboppers use when someone doesn't agree with them. 2 : screw u piece of crap i kno u jack @$$es arent jelous i never said it...u always make generalizations.... 3 : cena does not deserve the fuckin title CM PUNK does 4 : i agree 100% cena SUCKS and if you aint down with that then i got 2 words for ya S*CK *T 5 : True, you got a good point there about john cena 6 : Feeling a lil too strongly about that if you ask me LOL! Look he's a good wrestler, im kind of getting sick of him myself but you cant deny that he can wrestle and you cant deny the fact that he has a larger fan base then me and you will ever have. I was once a Cena fan but I kind of moved on. But ill always be a DIE HARD SHAWN MICHAELS FAN FOR LIFE. 7 : Because they have no lives and they are too stupid and shallow to understand that Cena ia garbage. 8 : Am I supposed to give a fuck about this bullshit??? 9 : Amen, brother. Preach to me. Cena can't wrestle he's just eye candy for the teenie boppers. 10 : Cena Sucks!!!!! We are not jealous because Cena can't rap and his wrestling moves are crap and WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS!!!!!! YOU CAN'T SEE ME!!!! He can't see me after WrestleMania 23 when HBK makes him blind 11 : oh wow look at all the immature cena fans bash you. Lol i know i have no idea why they say we are all so jealous of him. I have no reason to be jealpus of him at all. 12 : cena sucks and f*ck batista 13 : I agree that Cena is a real big babyface and he isn't my favorite by any means but the wrestling world always needs that SUPERSTAR that really carrys the company and honestly Cena does it quite good. Everyone thought Batista was gonna be the next big thing for the WWE but he dropped the ball. Plenty have had the chance and slipped just like Randy Orton did!!! EVEN BENIOT! I love all these guys but lets face it only guys like Triple H, Cena, HBK, Undertaker and a select few have the ability to carry a company such as the WWE like Bret "The Hitman" Hart or Hulk Hogan or even The Ultimate Warrior. That being said with all the injurys to top names such as Triple H, Cena is the only Blockbuster name out there in the WWE that has the star power to be the "poster Boy" for the company! It's all about the $$$!!! 14 : i dont know?? do you 15 : I have no idea why I'd be jealous of a steroid abuser who has a small penis,if anyones jealous it's his female fans!Like girls with screennames like "Cena's babygirl" or "Mrs.Cena" THE MAN HAS A GIRLFRIEND THAT HE'S BEEN DATING FOR 7 YEARS,those heffers are jealous because deep down THEY KNOW while they spend their hard earned allowances on Cena posters or Cena dolls or whatever,Cena's out there cashing his paycheck that is mostly the money of The Lame Gang and spending it on HIS REAL BABYGIRL,or having sex with his real babygirl as I speak,so who's REALLY jealous??? |